Star Wars Quote (Part 2/9)

Today’s quote is “Be mindful of your thoughts Anakin. They’ll betray you.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Attack Of The Clones, 2002)

How does this relate to the Bible?

Proverbs 4:23 says “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life”. What will think in our heads will eventually make there way to our hearts and what’s in our heart is how we’ll act, and speak. So make sure your heart is clear and not filled with evil.

Mood: Happy 🙂

Star Wars Quote (Part 1/9)

To celebrate the new Star Wars movie release I decide to do Star Wars quotes next. I quote every movie.

Today’s quote is “You can’t stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting” – Shmi Skywalker (The Phantom Menace, 1991)

Change is a never ending thing. It’s happens all the time. Whether we like it or not. But one thing that will never change is Jesus. He is never changing.

Mood: Changing 😉

Transformers Quote (Part 4/4)

Today’s quote is “You gotta have faith, Prime. Maybe not in who we are, but who we can be.” – Cade Yeager (Transformers:Age Of Extintion *2014*)

How does this relate to the Bible?

Everyone is a sinner. Sin damns us to Hell. This is who we are. But we can be better. If we believe in Jesus and follow the Bible, do what it says, and when we fail ask for forgiveness and try your best to never do it again.

Mood: Ready for Change 🙂

Transformers Quote (Part 3/4)

Today’s quote is “If innocents are threatened, preparation comes secondary to swift action, determination, and will. Send me to earth please.”

How those this relate to the Bible?

Well, Luke 5:32 says “I have not come to call the Righteous but the sinners.” Sometimes God call us to help the sinners and not righteous. Like I said in a previous post, he may call you when you are not prepared.

Mood: Prepared to be unprepared 😉